In this time of uncertainty we’d like to take a moment to express our hope that you remain, safe, healthy, and hopeful as the global community navigates the difficulty ahead. It is critical that we all take steps to embody our humanity and work to ensure the best outcome for ourselves and those that surround us.
People are at the center of everything we do. As COVID-19 spreads across the United States, we are closely monitoring the situation and following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to protect the health and well-being of our clients, our staff and volunteers, and our community.
For ongoing safety and precautions, we are preparing to work from home, attend meetings remotely, and are deferring travel.
During this social distancing, it is crucial to not lose sight of the connectedness we share. We are taking every effort to hold on to good we see in the world and to rise above the fear that has caused some to make racist and xenophobic statements. COVID19 can infect any person from any background, and it is imperative that we can remain united in spite of the physical distance we take.
Rural Dynamics is especially mindful of our senior volunteers and vulnerable populations we interact with every day. Our community is in the forefront of our mind, and along with the health authorities’ precautions we are making every effort to remain accessible during this time for services our clients need.
COVID19 is new territory for us all to navigate. We look to our values at this time, because now is when they matter. We hope that you may stay present, be safe and responsible, and lean into the good humanity has to offer. Even when that may feel difficult.
With care,
The Rural Dynamics Team